Thursday, October 8, 2009

What virus is this?

Dear all IT Expert,

Few days ago, There's virus in my flashdisk. So, I tried to scan it with antivirus. But, after I scanned it I can't access through my data. Although I can open my flashdisk, there's no data inside.

But when I checked from properties, I found out that free spaces only left 80MB and used spaces 400MB. My data is still there in my flashdisk, but i can't access them.

Help me plis.... Can it be fixed or not? Does anyone know how to fix it? Thank you for your help.


What virus is this?network

Forget PC Inspector!

Go to: and download the "Stinger v2.6.0" (it's free) and scan your computer with Stinger...if Stinger find anything, it also removes the virus. Good luck!

Greetings from Germany!

What virus is this?norton

May not be a virus at all! Certain files that are placed in the trash directly from a peripheral storage device like a zip, are placed into a hidden trash. Trying emptying the trash on your disc before you do all those voodoo virus downloads that will probably end up putting another virus on your computer.

If that doesnt work, just throw the disc out. They cost $1.
Sounds like you have a worm.

Do a online scan from the link below.
Try some data recovery software you cant try Pc inspector it's up to the job you described get it here

be careful you don't recover the virus as well
I guess your antivirus software did quarantine the files assuming that they are infected. You must have a way within this software that shows you to view the infected files %26 it can clean them with a restore option if possible. Else you could try opening it ( I mean the flash disk ) somewhere else than your PC. This should avoid your Avtivirus software.

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