I have RoadRunner internet from Insight and they provide free security tools, but everything works great when i downloaded it EXCEPT the firewall.(i think its because i have windows vista) So would it be ok for me to use the antivirus/spam/spyware that it provides and just use the Windows Firewall?
Does the windows firewall provide enough protection?
Question about CA virus protection and windows firewall?network security
First of all if you have a router, the metal or plastic box that connects to your modem, then you already have 2 firewalls.
Vista comes with its firewall as you correctly stated..then the router also comes with a firewall built into the device.
Software companies that sell firewalls do it just to make money, nothing wrong with that BUT you don't need it at all and thats why it messes up.
The safest way to protect yourself is to get a router. The router is called a HARD firewall and its better than windows firewall only.
Routers are very very inexpensive. If you get one get a Wireless router and that will enable you to even be on the laptop in the kitchen wirelessly while you cook some dinner or breakfast.
You can also be on the computer while watching t.v. even outside in the yard or garage...So a wireless router is good also if y ou have a laptop also.
Question about CA virus protection and windows firewall?norton internet security
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