it been many days since i downloaded a file from net but after few day when i oppened it pc got restarted and when i saw there was a new wallpaper which says danger your computers in risk.
and they were three icons of antivirus when i click on them it say buy the software for 120$ and randomly web sites are opening with adverbs and porn sites, i cant stop the internets opening.
iresently bought the computer so there is no anti virus or firewall.
please help me, what software sould i install i need a best software for free. or the software which is around 25$.
please help me i dont know any thing about computers please.
Please help me in the computer problem ! please read this !?mcaffee
You should download AdAware from It's free and it is extremely good at deleting spyware and adware.
Please help me in the computer problem ! please read this !?norton antivirus 2007
Those who advise you to format your hard drive, or reload your software, are insane and should be ignored. It is RARELY necesary for you to do either. Just clean the machine of the offending programs.
Three options are available to you that I know will work.
1) Go to the local store and buy a copy of either Norton or McAfee anti-virus. Install and run the software to clean out any virus you may have. Since your machine is already infected, you can not just go to a web site with free anti-virus programs, as the virus will likely not let you download the program.
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