Thursday, October 8, 2009

Help on Acer Ferrari 3000, format ?


I have an Acer Ferrari 3000 LMi for 3 years now.

- it's slow, esp when working on photoshop.

- notebook's not reacting or taking a long time to react when a new usb device (flashdisk, camera etc) is plugged.

- battery only last 30 mins now. (I read somewhere if u're always plugging the laptop, u need to take the battery out, so I did for 1,5 years, and now the battery only last 30 mins, I already asked acer tech support, explained to me dat battery life deteriorate in time even when not in use)

Battery conditioning doesn't solve this problem.

- i have weird message that pops up 6 times (each time) saying "windows - No Disk. There is no disk in the drive, please insert a disk into drive" everytime I turn my laptop on, after signing in to windows and it also happens from time to time for no particular reason, which I keep on clicking "cancel" 6 times, but it's not a virus.

- sometimes I can't burn files on a blank cd, it's fine if there are already files on the cd

- losing control on mouse scroll, mouse is in a hideous state where paintjob's

flaking, and mouse top cover comes off.

- the alphabets on keyboard are disappearing

- when i press ctrl-alt-del , it says "Task Manager has been disabled by your

administrator" HUH??? i'm the err.. administrator here and i don't recall disabling anything.

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