For a school project I need to find out - protective strategies used by a business, to protect its data and information.
Can anyone who runs a bussiness or shop tell me the security stratigies you use in detail not more than 150 words though.
Can you also include the name of your business and what you do.
Can you provide me with details .......what softwares do you use and what type of policies, give examples.
Add aditional information than the ones listed above and how ur methods work....etc.
Thanks for any help and feel free to ask questions!
Data security stratagies used by Businesses?norton 2008
I am a Finance Manager for a small Internet Security company. We use several Different products. The reasoning for that is that we test everything we sell before we sell it to our clients. Also we have numerous servers, so we use different appliances on each to see how well they work.
We use several firewall products:
BorderWare Appliance, IronPort Appliance, Mi5 Appliance, Alladin Appliance.
Each Appliance is loaded with Antivirus, Anti-spam, Anti-Spy, and Ad-Ware software.
Some utilize Kasperky software, some utilize Sophos, some utilize BlueCoat, some utilize software designed by the specific maunfacturer.
The software for any given appliance is going to depend on the needs of the company utilizing it:
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