Thursday, October 8, 2009

Which MMORPG should I play next?

I previously played Maplestory. I need somenthing that's free, not incredibly graphics intensive, and I can play casually on weekends. Also FlyFF doesn't work on my computer because of my stupid antivirus program -_-

Which MMORPG should I play next?nortan

the best free mmorpg atm should be Grando Espada.

As the Winner of the 2006 Grand Award for Best Game in Korea, this game is fantastic.

Game Title: Sword of the new world (aka Granado Espada)

Genre: Fantasy

Status: Closed Beta Test

Developer: IMC games

Publisher: Hanbitsoft

Fees: Free to play

Official website: (SG edition) (Global edition)

Client size: 2.6gb


Photo Channel:

Game Trailers:

Look at the ingame screenshot and game video, I bet u wont regret, it's amazing. btw the gameplay is innovative, u dont have put much time on it, just play the game not let game play u.

If u need couple of other good mmorpgs, I can list some as follow.

Scions of fate, Ghost Online, 9 Dragon, Corum Online, all these games are above the average u can find out them at easily.

good luck

Which MMORPG should I play next?noton

runescape. its pretty awsome.
RAN... o2 jam... audition... Ragnarok? hmmm... hehe... that's all that i can think of right now...

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