OK well tonight I was searching for discount handbags on the internet and I clicked on a link that ended up being porn for whatever reason so I decided to download a free anti virus anti spyware scanner called CYBERDEFENDER. The stupid thing found viruses called "dropper" and "stilen". It automatically quarantined the files. When I went to stop the scan and turn it off, the error message "IE has encountered a problem and needs to close" message popped up. Then whenever I would try to open it it would just say the same thing!!! So I restored the files it quarantined and restarted my comp. that didn't fix the problem so I uninstalled all CYBERDEFENDER programs. Now IE works hopefully permanetly. Now for my questions: 1) Why did cyberdefender stop IE from working
2) What is a good, resonably priced antispyware antivirus program I can use to get rid of the viuses CD found?
3) Did the quarantining the viruses cause IE to stop working?
My computer predicament...?hp
Don't know much about Cyberdefender so can't comment on why it screwed things up.
As for "reasonably priced" I know a few free ones that if used right work great.
Clamwin ( http://www.clamwin.com/ ) is a virus scanner. Download, and install (chose option to auto-update)then reboot in safe mode and run it from there. Keep tapping F8 as soon as you press the power button to start your computer to get into safe mode. You'll see a list of options one being safe mode.
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