Thursday, October 8, 2009

Firewall blocking my PC & Yazak Chat...?

How to find out the firewall in my computer that is blocking me to login to the chat(i'm using Yazak chat client)?My OS is Win98 Second Edition %26 i'm using AVG anti virus program (Free version).

I mean to say in which drive of my PC?...i have 4 drives-c:\,d:\,e:\,f:\?

i have checked my is a outdated ver %26 it doesnot have a firewall option...then what is blocking Yazak?

Firewall blocking my PC %26 Yazak Chat...?live update

If there is no firewall, then have you scanned for a virus? Download Spybot Search %26 Destroy from here: Once installed, update and then run a scan for viruses.

You could also try an Online Scan (free) from here: To find what's inside your computer, try Belarc Advisor: Belarc will search your hard drives and create a file listing everything it finds.

Firewall blocking my PC %26 Yazak Chat...?norten

i know

i know where is firewall

So your firewall is "Control Panel"

please becarefully look every option in control panel then u will finded and disable firewall then good to go...ty
disable firewall
open the firewall settings go to where program access is then from there set Yazak Chat . for full access.try a different log in server on yazak settings. if you have not download any firewall then win 98 dose not have one . it may be yazak .

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